Month: May 2023

Gideon: I find it so much work to get started on a new platform, you know, to follow people and figure out what I want to prioritize and post things there. Uh, so I can’t really say that I’ve used them. I’ve tinkered, but that’s about it.  Lauren: Yeah. My workflow now is I, I
Leading figures in the development of artificial intelligence systems, including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis, have signed a statement warning that the technology they are building may someday pose an existential threat to humanity comparable to that of nuclear war and pandemics.  “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should
If you’re looking to get hired, giving your LinkedIn profile some love should be on your to-do list. It’s likely that potential recruiters are going to find it and form impressions of you based on what it looks like, and what’s listed. LinkedIn profiles with huge gaps or out-of-date information—or pages that look like they’ve
The chatbot’s flexibility also comes with some unaddressed problems. It can produce biased, unpredictable, and often fabricated answers, and is built in part on personal information scraped without permission, raising privacy concerns. Goldkind advises that people turning to ChatGPT should be familiar with its terms of service, understand the basics of how it works (and how information
This year was supposed to be one big victory lap for Revolut, the UK’s largest fintech. The firm trumpeted its first ever year of profitability in March, having tripled its earnings year-on-year, and continues to hire at a blistering pace, despite doom and gloom elsewhere in the sector. This was also the year Revolut hoped to earn
If you work a typical office job, even remotely, you probably spend more time than you’d like in meetings. Last year, a survey from the AI customer engagement company Dialpad found that 83 percent of 2,800 respondents said they spent four to 12 hours a week in meetings. If you’re a founder or executive, that
Cars crashing into bollards, brakes slamming on to avoid imaginary collisions, and more than 2,400 complaints of cars accelerating out of their owner’s control. The 100 gigabytes worth of internal Tesla documents leaked to the German newspaper Handelsblatt present a sobering picture of the EV company’s technical limitations. The 23,000 files obtained by Handelsblatt cover issues
I agree with every single one of those points, which can potentially guide us on the actual boundaries we might consider to mitigate the dark side of AI. Things like sharing what goes into training large language models like those behind ChatGPT, and allowing opt-outs for those who don’t want their content to be part of
Eight years ago, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency organized a painful-to-watch contest that involved robots slowly struggling (and often failing) to perform a series of human tasks, including opening doors, operating power tools, and driving golf carts. Clips of them fumbling and stumbling through the Darpa Robotics Challenge soon went viral. DARPA via Will
It has been said that algorithms are “opinions embedded in code.” Few people understand the implications of that better than Abeba Birhane. Born and raised in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Birhane moved to Ireland to study: first psychology, then philosophy, then a PhD in cognitive science at University College Dublin. During her doctorate, she found herself surrounded
The excitement around the London arrival of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was palpable from the queue that snaked its way around the University College London building ahead of his speech on Wednesday afternoon. Hundreds of eager-faced students and admirers of OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT had come here to watch the UK leg of Altman’s world tour, where he
Google has spent the past few weeks promoting generative AI tools that can summarize search results for users, help them draft essays, and swap out overcast skies for sunshine in otherwise perfect family photos. Today it’s showing off what similar tools could do for its core business—selling ads. New generative AI systems for advertising clients will compose text
This dynamic creates a moral quandary. Darrien Justice, community manager for Garlicoin, another joke token, says he would never recommend anyone purchase a meme coin as an investment—including his community’s own—for precisely this reason. “The regular investors are absolutely the exit liquidity, but they don’t quite understand that,” he says. “I don’t want people to
There are limitations, such as choke points like the Suez and Panama canals: “Neither of them allows vessels to operate under sail. The Panama Canal also has a bridge over it, with a height limitation of around 50 meters,” De Beukelaer says. And of course, not all ships adapt well to sails. Container ships, for
“You need to communicate as vividly and clearly as possible that you’re on some different trajectory. And the stronger the break from the past, the clearer the signaling,” Haslam says. “For that reason women or members of other minority groups are often preferentially appointed under these circumstances.” Yaccarino’s background in advertising, Twitter’s primary source of
Next, you need to download Auto-GPT from GitHub: Follow the link to the latest release and download the zip file you find there. When you’ve unzipped the archive, duplicate the file called .env.template, rename it as .env, and open it in a text editor. Look for the line “OPENAI_API_KEY=your-openai-api-key” and replace “your-openai-api-key” with an actual
But its work began to look sloppy on more specific requests. Asked to write a memo on consumer preferences in Paraguay compared to Uruguay, the system incorrectly described Paraguay as less populous. It hallucinated, or made up, the meaning behind a song from a 1960s Hindi film being performed at my pre-wedding welcome event. Most ironically,
In 1998, children’s author Thacher Hurd published Zoom City, a picture book for toddlers in which friendly animals drive cars around a bustling urban metropolis. Tech investor Jim Scheinman read it to his children, and he still remembered the book 14 years later when he advised a Silicon Valley founder named Eric Yuan.  “I loved this